

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Gut check, day 1: Eat more fiber

Most Americans get less than half of the recommended amount of fiber.
Move Your Body Challenge

DAY 1 OF 10

Swap in more foods with fiber

You may just think of your gut as the part of your body that's responsible for digesting your food, but it's pretty underrated. In fact, a thriving gut microbiome is essential for good health. Studies have shown that a disturbance to the intestinal microbiota — from things like stress, an unvaried diet, or sleep deprivation — is strongly correlated (1, 2) with: 

  • celiac disease
  • colorectal cancer
  • diarrhea
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • irritable bowel syndrome

Many of the things you do every day affect your gut. We want to show you the small changes you can make to create a healthier one. 

Welcome to our 10-day series on gut health. Each day, we'll introduce you to a new habit that can have a big (and positive!) impact on your digestive system. Let's get started!

Get your fill of fiber

You've probably heard that Americans don't eat enough fiber, but did you know we eat less than half of the recommended amount? That's 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men (3, 4).

High fiber diets have been linked to a longer life as well as lower:

  • cholesterol
  • blood sugar levels
  • risk of diabetes
  • risk of some cancers, including colon, lung, and breast cancer (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

Soluble fiber helps you feel fuller with fewer calories. "Soluble" means it dissolves in water, which helps make your stools pass easier than insoluble fiber (the kind that doesn't dissolve in water). This can make your bowel movements come at more consistent times (12, 13). Since we can't digest it, some fiber also acts as food for the good bacteria in your gut (14, 15). More on that later in the series.

The best way to get more fiber in your diet is to add more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. When shopping, think of your cart like a plate. Half of your cart should be a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. A quarter should be whole grain foods. Replace simple carbohydrates like chips, white rice, and white bread with whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat bread. 

The most important thing to remember: Add more fiber to your diet slowly, day by day, to prevent gas, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation (16). 

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

Further Reading

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