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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Move your body, day 2: Get in the ring with shadow boxing

Get into fight mode with jabs that challenge your triceps and biceps and hone your focus and balance.
Move Your Body Challenge

DAY 2 OF 25

Shadow boxing

Now that you've warmed up your arms, get into fight mode with jabs that challenge your triceps and biceps and hone your focus and balance.

Shadow boxing — also known as air boxing — is popular among boxers when they want to condition their muscles, warm up for a fight, or cool down after.

Duration: About 6 rounds for an amount of time that works best for you. Try to work up to 3 minutes.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your fists to your chin.
  2. Punch straight in front of you, knuckles forward, and repeat 3-5 times before switching arms.
  3. Keep your head in the game by finding a rhythm and sticking with it.

Tomorrow: Time to hustle those arms.

Yours in wellness,
The Healthline Team

Further Reading

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