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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Congratulations! You finished the Gut Check Challenge. What’s next?

We hope the Gut Check Challenge encouraged you to improve your nutrition and inspired you to try new foods and recipes!
Gut Check Challenge

Nice work! You made it through 10 days of healthy gut tips and are well on your way to building lasting habits. We hope the Gut Check Challenge helped you learn about small changes to make to your diet and lifestyle to improve your digestive system.

Keep building healthy habits through more Challenges:

Mood Foods Challenge
Mood Foods Challenge
Find out how food can have a big impact on your mood in the 12-day Mood Foods Challenge.
Mindful Eating
Mindful Eating Challenge
Start a mindfulness practice in 21 days by building healthy habits around food.
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You can also browse more newsletters and challenges here.

Yours in Wellness,
The Healthline Team

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