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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Move your body, day 23: An inner-thigh lift for lower body strength

The purpose of this lift is simple: It helps support your knees and lower back, especially when doing any heavy lifting.
Move Your Body Challenge

DAY 23 OF 25

Inner-thigh lift

The purpose of this lift is simple: It helps support your knees and lower back, especially when doing any heavy lifting. And the way to build up those inner thigh muscles is just as easy.

As always, tweak this movement for your comfort, but make sure you aren't straining any of your other muscles.

Duration: Do 10 reps for each leg. Repeat 3 times.


  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air, keeping your feet flat.
  2. Slowly drop one leg to the side at about a 45-degree angle. Be sure to keep your leg straight and feet flat.

If you feel the burn, it's working!

Tomorrow: Give your spine some love.

Yours in wellness,
The Healthline Team

Further Reading

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